Weekly Drop-In meetings

Admission to an Intensive Care Unit or Critical Care is almost always unplanned and we know it can be a frightening and worrying time - no matter whether you are the patient, family member or friend.
However, we have all found that it really helps to talk with others who have had similar experiences - you will find out that so many of the things you are worrying about are 'normal' for someone who has been sedated and in a coma and they will improve with time.
We have 2 Drop-In meetings on Zoom every week:
Tuesdays 8.00 - 9.30 pm for Family & Friends
Thursdays 7.30 - 9.00 pm for Patients - everyone is welcome when we have a guest speaker.
We often have informal speakers on subjects that will be of interest to everybody and you get the chance to ask all the questions you have been worrying about.
If you would like to join in - to chat or just to listen - please use the CONTACT US page on this site and we will send you simple instructions and the link.
Zoom is an easy to use free app but if you need any assistance with starting to use it we are happy to help.
Drop-In Meetings
Thursday 7.30 pm
"I really appreciate all the help CC-SN has been able to give me. I know that my ITU stay was a lot shorter than most but I was still shocked at how much it affected me, physically and mentally.
CC-SN is such a great resource" - Sali
THURSDAY 7.30 pm
We often have speakers on a wide variety of interesting subjects.
Thursday 12 September - Dr Paul Dean
will talk about SEPSIS: the causes, symptoms, risks and treatment. He is always happy to answer questions.
Paul is an Intensivist at Royal Blackburn Hospital and Medic lead for Sepsis at ELHT.
The following day is World Sepsis Awareness Day!
TUESDAY at 8.00 pm
Join us to talk about the issues that are concerning you - we know that relatives often have different concerns to our patients.
Amanda's words -
"When my husband caught Covid & was admitted into ITU in February 2021, my life was turned upside down. Nothing prepares you for how it feels when the person that you love most in the world is fighting for their life and although I was surrounded by family & great friends, none of them really understood how I was feeling. From the moment I first joined the Family & Friends Drop in session I was made to feel welcome. Everyone was so friendly & they truly understood the trauma because they'd experienced it too. I've had so much support since joining. Sometimes it just helps to talk & know that someone is listening. We laugh together & sometimes we cry together but I always end the evening feeling better. I may not have met them in person but they are my friends now & I really look forward to Tuesday nights."