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History of 
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Welcome to 

CC-SN ...



Our group was originally formed in late 2016 when an Outreach nurse from the Countess of Chester Hospital spoke to Miles Negus-Fancey, our Chair, about the need for support following an ICU admission.  Miles spoke to Sue Dean at Sophie Daley’s Rehab class and the rest as they say is history and was the start of ICUsteps Chester.  The advent of Covid changed so many things - we had to cease face to face activities and moved to Zoom - in so doing we gained members from around the UK and became Critical Care Support Network.


 From day 1 our own experiences along with professional advice and the views of all our members have informed the things we offer. 


Time and again people have told us that unless you have been in Critical Care, as a patient or as a relative, you cannot understand the unique issues to be faced.  We recognised the need to talk about our experiences with people who understood, and our Drop-In programme began.


Exercise to rebuild wasted muscle, relaxation to deal with all the stresses we experienced and socialising to encourage some return to normality soon followed in our support programme.


Understanding the financial stresses of an admission to ICU or critical care that is almost always unplanned led to our policy of not charging our members and their families for any of these services.  Some limited fundraising offers people the chance to do something positive during what can be a very negative phase of their life.

Everyone involved in running the Group, Trustees and Management Committee, are volunteers.

However we employ appropriately qualified and experienced professionals to run our sessions.




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Registered Charity 1182307

©CC-SN 2025
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